Thursday, November 26, 2015

Parihaka Art

Multi-media art

Sketch of Parihaka village
Water colour paint background over white resistance
Feather paint print
Black ink PVA print
 Caroline Osten
 Annie Whaley

Parihaka @ Puke Ariki

What an amazing inquiry unit it has been.  The students and I have learnt so much about Parihaka.
Our visit to Puke Ariki was educational and interactive.
The students were all a part of the re-enacted Puke Ariki story, and each played their role in accordance with the historical event.
Here are some photos showing the key characters!
 Te Whiti= Daniel
 Tohu=      Taane

Mr Bryce= Dakota

Monday, October 26, 2015

Ukelele Festival Notice - URGENT!

Congratulations to Maddison Barclay who won a free ticket to the show for awesome effort in practice.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Emotion Poems

In Room 9 we have been focusing on emotions, so we wrote a poem about an emotion of our choice. First we did a brainstorm about our emotion, recording what that emotion felt, sounded, tasted, looked and smelled like:

Then we started writing our poem. The poem was based on another poem about sadness, which we had to mark out the language features on:

The poem had to have the same layout and order as the scaffold. Our poems looked like this:
Damian Titter:
Annie Whaley:
Charlize Parker:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Dissolving Science

On Monday, Mr. Macintyre came over and taught us about dissolving. Every table go 4 test tubes, a beaker, a test tube rack, 2 paintbrushes, a spoon and a substance (gravy, flour, washing powder, quinoa, yeast or raw sugar). We then got a recording sheet:
On the sheet we wrote things knew noticed, how long the substance took to dissolve, and other things we saw. The test tubes were one of each:
- Cold, no stirring
- Cold, with stirring
- Hot, no stirring
- Hot, with stirring
We used the paintbrush to stir the test tubes that needed to be stirred. We also had an iPad to time how long it took.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Persuasive Writing

In Room 9 we have been working on persuasive writing. To persuade our readers we had to plan it out on a visual scaffold. We had to put it into a main idea, reasons and details to support our reasons. Then we did a second draft in our writing books with paragraphs and a conclusion. Some of us used imperatives and we are learning to state our ideas clearly. Here is some of our work:

Conor Eager - Programming:

Annie Whaley - Longer Weekends:

Charlize Parker - Music:
Lillian Syrus - Netball Courts:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Kids for Kids

The Kids For Kids concert is on the 6th of August. All performing children need to be in the upstairs foyer by 6:45pm. No jackets are allowed, as the lighting is very hot. At the end of the concert, schools will go to an allocated area to be picked up. St John Bosco kids will be in the upstairs foyer, where their parents can collect them.

On the 6th August, we had a rehearsal. Isabella got a part as a soloist in Language, and Imogen got a part in Love In A Fowl House: 

and Taane got in as a ukulele player in the Ukelele Medley:

Friday, July 31, 2015

SCIENCE in Room 9

Investigating Change

This term we are going to carry out science investigations, gathering and interpreting data.  We will record our observations, and create questions for further investigation.

Playing with gloop (gelatine, glycerine & water)

Class Investigations:

1:  Bean seed growth (long term investigation)

2:  Making bread

3:  Making gloop

4:  Making oobleck

Home Investigations:

1:  Dissolving sugar

2:  Water molecules on the move

Please keep an eye on this post for updates.  Check out the homework tasks for the week on the Home Learning page.

The students have made some keen observations and written thoughtful questions.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


On Thursday 30th July, Room 9 made OOBLECK. OOBLECK, according to Google, is a non-Newtonian fluid - which means it hoes hard when a force is applied to it, and goes gloopy when the force is removed.

Making Bread

As our new topic for Term 3 is 'Change', we baked bread and recorded the change from a sticky beige gloop to a hard, yummy loaf. Our first batch was very exciting as it was on our first day back at school.
There were 3 helpers who read out the recipient, poured in ingredients and a few more people came up to knead the dough.
Here were the ingredients:
Then we made the bread:
The kneading was interesting, as you could see how it was sticky:
Unfortunately, we forgot to activate the yeast, so it didn't rise.
We tried again the next day and made little buns, and also the next day we made more.
It was very interesting to see the bread rise. On the first day we tried baking the bread in the boiler cupboard, but it wasn't hot enough.

St Ignatius of Loyola Prayer Examen

Monday, June 22, 2015

Football Art

Recently Room 9 have been working on art. We constructed a cardboard figure:
And then put it into a football pose and drew around it onto a piece of black paper three times in in different poses each time. Once we had finished we drew a certain shape over and over on the same sheet of paper. Then we painted the shapes to make fabulous art.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Puke Ariki: Bringing it home

Bringing It Home is an exhibition about the ANZACs and World War 1. We did lots of activities including  dressing up as people in the war, a scavenger hunt for objects from the war and looking at pictures of Taranaki 100 years ago.
Michelle giving us all a briefing.

Emma becoming a soldier.

Conor delivering a telegram.

Annie stepping into a nurse's shoes.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


We are scheduled to visit Puke Ariki tomorrow morning to view the Anzac and Puanga exhibits.
We leave shortly after 9am by bus and depart the museum at 12.30pm.
Any parents wishing to join us are very welcome :)

Monday, June 15, 2015

Times Table Songs!

Here is a fun way to learn your times tables.

2 Times Table:

3 Times Table:

4 Times Table:

5 Times Table:

6 Times Table:

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Week 8 homework

Some children need to finish their Information Report asap!

The weekly homework is as per usual, with a fun geometry puzzle called a Tangram.
You need a Tangram template and pattern sheet.
You could make up some of your own or find more patterns on the Internet.

Remember to collect some journals to read, from the purple box, if you like.

Mt Taranaki Reports

Some excellent Information Reports have been presented by clever Room 9 students.
It is pleasing to see organised ideas, technical language, and precise visuals.  
Each child will self assess their work using a checklist.

Emma Shotter:
Taane Cameron:
Conor Eager:
Lillian Syrus:
Nathan Theron:

Brooke Jorgensen:
Ryan Johnson:
Serrin Kronfield:
Annie Whaley:
Anika Jensen:
Damian Titter:

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Happy Hour in Room 9

Techno kids enjoying some IT fun this morning. 
In their 'happy place'!

Thank you Katrin!

Katrin kindly baked and shared these delicious cookies.
Another lovely RAK. Gabby will be smiling :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Holy Spirit Come And Rock My Life

We can be God Sparks! 

Thank you Room 9 for all the wonderful Random Acts of Kindness you have been sharing.

Gabby will be so happy that you took up the challenge!

I will post some of these lovely kind acts this space!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Term 2 Week 6 Home Learning

Homework this week is as per usual...however there is a compulsory task to be worked on at school and at home. It is due Friday Week 8.

Your child will bring home a planning sheet and a draft scaffold sheet, to organise their information.

The students are familiar with the process, as we have been using these steps at school.

Please support them by following these steps;

  • RESEARCH: Any of these- books, websites, tv documentaries, youtube videos, Puke Ariki displays
  • Bubble brainstorm sheet
  • Report scaffold draft (A3)
  • Editing
Publishing: Any of these- Poster, Slideshow presentation, Model, Booklet

Students will need to access their resources at home and at school.

When these reports are completed to a high standard, we will be able to share them on our blog!

Reminder:  'Descent From Disaster'  is a documentary on TVOne on Wednesday night at 8.30pm.
It is all about Mt Taranaki- Toni Street tells viewers of an historical event that occurred on 'Our Mountain'.  Parental permission and guidance will be necessary to watch this.  It is also quite late, so you may have to record it.

Room 9 Road Cyclists!

Concentration was the key to today's bike training session on the road.  

We put into practice many of the skills learnt at school, such as pedal power position, life-saver looks, signalling, positioning on the road and crossing safely.

Above: Chloe shows complete focus and concentration before a stopping manoeuvre.

Right: Performing a right-hand turn into Kowhai Street, followed by stop signalling along Ngaio St.