Friday, July 31, 2015

SCIENCE in Room 9

Investigating Change

This term we are going to carry out science investigations, gathering and interpreting data.  We will record our observations, and create questions for further investigation.

Playing with gloop (gelatine, glycerine & water)

Class Investigations:

1:  Bean seed growth (long term investigation)

2:  Making bread

3:  Making gloop

4:  Making oobleck

Home Investigations:

1:  Dissolving sugar

2:  Water molecules on the move

Please keep an eye on this post for updates.  Check out the homework tasks for the week on the Home Learning page.

The students have made some keen observations and written thoughtful questions.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


On Thursday 30th July, Room 9 made OOBLECK. OOBLECK, according to Google, is a non-Newtonian fluid - which means it hoes hard when a force is applied to it, and goes gloopy when the force is removed.

Making Bread

As our new topic for Term 3 is 'Change', we baked bread and recorded the change from a sticky beige gloop to a hard, yummy loaf. Our first batch was very exciting as it was on our first day back at school.
There were 3 helpers who read out the recipient, poured in ingredients and a few more people came up to knead the dough.
Here were the ingredients:
Then we made the bread:
The kneading was interesting, as you could see how it was sticky:
Unfortunately, we forgot to activate the yeast, so it didn't rise.
We tried again the next day and made little buns, and also the next day we made more.
It was very interesting to see the bread rise. On the first day we tried baking the bread in the boiler cupboard, but it wasn't hot enough.

St Ignatius of Loyola Prayer Examen