Tuesday, May 31, 2016

3D Art

Lately in Room 9 we have been learning the art of shading. We've used objects and torches to see where the shadow forms. By observing closely, we copied these shaded objects. 

Then we created 3D stick men using pipe cleaners. We are wrapping these in tin foil. You might wonder what this has to got with shadows?? You will need to visit Room 9 to see our final products (once we've finished them). 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Reflections on our marae visit

Thanks to everyone who came along to the marae to help out.  Without you, these trips aren't possible.  

Here are some musings from the students about one moment at the marae. They were working on making these pieces take you right to that moment and place.  I think they've done a great job.  Keep your eyes out tomorrow and early next term for some more finished pieces.

Sunday, April 3, 2016


We are lucky enough to have tennis coaching for four days. We began today. It was loads of fun going through the foundational skills of tennis. We're all looking forward to our next lesson on Wednesday. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Logging Onto Blog and other notes

Hi everyone,

Blog Survey

Thank you so much for your feedback on the Room 9 Blog and how you'd like us to communicate with you.  It looks like the consensus is to:
1. Log everyone onto the blog: I have done this now so you should be getting emails when I update the blog.  Check your junk mail, just in case they're getting lost.  The emails are from a widget called "Feed Burner".
2. Continue to use paper notices and newsletters.  We'll keep these coming home.

A few of you commented that you might be interested in getting information using a text app.  I have one in mind but it requires a little bit of trialling first. I'll let you know if we decide to give this a go.

Homework and book bags

To help the students manage themselves well with newsletters and homework, I'd love each student to have a book bag.  I know these are a little junior but it definitely helps avoid the "crumpled notice at the bottom of the school bag" issue.  Also, it means students can carry their spelling notebooks and homework books to and from school easily.  If you could source a book bag, that would be great!  It doesn't have to be flash.  Any suitable sized bag would be fine.  

Please see the page "Handy Info" for information about homework:  Handy Info

Please also see the page "Learning Resources" for spelling lists and other tools: Learning Resources


You are hopefully aware by now that we are having a marae overnight visit in April.  I have put notices and permission slips on the Notices and Events page.  
I'll try and keep this updated as we get notices ready.  Thanks for all the offers for help.

Triathlon Fundraiser

The students are very excited about the upcoming triathlon fundraiser in the last week of the term.  They should have brought home a booklet that explains this. If you haven't seen this booklet, there are spares on the noticeboard in Room 9. Mr Moorby is the person coordinating this event.  It should be a fabulous day.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break.  

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Basketball Registrations are out

Here's the registration form for basketball for 2016.  Notices were sent home today.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Swimming Sport Notice & Artwork Videos

Hey everyone,
Swimming Sports is on this Friday.  Please make sure you have bought your permission slips into Mrs Young asap.  Also, I'm in need of parents to drive kids to the Aquatic Centre.  If your parents can come, please fill in the permission slip and let us know.  

I understand that the videos of our artworks aren't loading well on the page. I've included a link to the video, uploaded onto my YouTube channel.  Simply click on the link and youtube should open with the video.  I hope you're able to view these.  

Mrs Young

Leader's Assembly

Special Leader's Assembly

Tomorrow is our special leader's assembly where we bless and celebrate our Year 6 Leaders for 2016.  It will begin at 2:15 in either the hall or the church (venue to be confirmed).  Come along and celebrate this important milestone for our leaders.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Monday, February 29, 2016

Our Art - Who we are, our whanau and what's important in nature

In week one and week two, Room 9 created artworks with symbols to represent: who they are, where they are from, who makes up their whanau and what's important to them.  They linked these to nature, patterns and colours. 
Here are a few of our videos on our artworks.  Come visit Room 9 to see them on display.

Artwork and voice over by Bede:
Link to Bede's artwork video

Artwork and voice over by Bronson:
Link to Bronson's artwork video

Artwork and voice over by Reuben Woodhead:
Reuben's artwork video

Artwork and voice over by Taiora:

Artwork and voice over by Lillian:
A link to Lillian's artwork video

Artwork and voice over by Gabrielle:

Artwork and voice over by Zahn:

More to come soon....

Monday, February 22, 2016

This week in science: rolling marbles

This week we investigated rolling marbles.  Our focus was to ask questions we can investigate. We used a graphic organiser to focus us on what we saw, what we thought was happening and what we wondered.  

Firstly, we rolled a marble on plastic 10 times and put stickers when the marble ended.  We measured  our results. We observed and came up with some ideas as to why the marbles went differing distances. We then wondered all about marbles, and gravity, and speed, and... Loads of other things.  

Next, we're going to turn our wonderings into questions we can investigate. We'll then explore marbles again and try and answer our questions.  

Here's some photos of our science on Monday.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


This week we made and investigated holograms.  We made plastic rhombus pyramids and projected videos from the ipad onto them.  The videos were specially designed to make a hologram.  

We had a lot of wonderings about how these worked.  On Wednesday and Thursday, we played around with the holograms some more.  We tried to answer some of our questions by making the plastic template in different sizes, shapes and angles.  We are in the process of making videos, books and publishing our writing.  Here's a few photos of us working and some writing.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Welcome to 2016

Welcome to 2016!!  I am so excited about this year. Please check out this blog; have a look around.  We will be using this blog regularly.  It's where we'll showcase what we're up to.  It would be a great idea to sign up to the RSS feed or the " Follow Us by Email" link on the sidebar. 

I look forward to sharing Room 9 adventures with you.
Mrs Young