Research behind Practice

Being a teacher involves continuous learning and adjusting our practice.  Here is where I'll include links and information behind why I do the things I do in the classroom.

Whole Brain Teaching

Whole brain teaching is a way of teaching that involves students talking and moving while they learn.  It's a little American but we are using some of the strategies in class. It's fun and it means students have to respond and engage in the learning.  If you'd like to find out more, go to:


Kids love to move.  And movement and brain gym is really important.  We use GoNoodle in our class.  Here's the site:

Reading books

I'm always interested in research that comes out about reading.  I love to use technology, but I also see great importance in reading books.
Here's some interesting reads:
Your paper brain
Reading books triggers lasting changes to brain

Dyslexic Study

Over the years, I've studied dyslexia.  It fascinates me. People with dyslexic are very clever and often creative.  They think a bit differently from people that aren't dyslexic.  Here's some interesting reading:
Seven myths about dyslexia put to rest

Home Learning/Homework

There's a lot of research and thoughts about homework, both for and against.  I believe that reading most nights is hugely important.  Spelling and basic facts practice is helpful too.  But I also value extra-curricula activities after school.  Students need to take dancing lessons, learn an instrument, play sport, and just play.  Here's some research:John Hattie Interview

Messy Project Based work

I'm a big fan of students getting hands on and involved in what they're learning. This is partly why we do so much science, art and technology in the classes I run.  Here's an article which talks about the benefits of messy learning:
Why learning should be messy  but, just as important, this needs to be balanced with an environment that is conducive for all to learn.  This is why it needs to also be quiet and structured.  See this article:  Introverts at school overlooked  It's all about balance and knowing our students.

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